hello there. well as the title says, i have a new project. and well do expect anything soon, im just now starting, i just finished the loading screen(the pic at the bottom)
so heres the story, i guess in a basic form
the story takes place thousands of years in the future, the world is now post-apocalyptic and every thing has kinda regressed, there is powerful technology but is mainly reserved for the nobles and the imperial leaders, leaving most of the worlds population in poverty. the world is ran by an empire that calls them self shadow, ran by a masked man named zero, they bring suffering across the planet. the world is no longer filled with only humans, now many strange alien species, demons and angels live amongst humans, and all are treated as nothing more than meat. none are safe from shadows cold grip, innocent people are slaughtered and experimented on for shadows twisted plots of evil. a small resistance group called Rogue Wind, is the only thing stopping them from complete world domination. shadow secretly, is trying to unleash a being known as omega into the world, a being even more evil than Satan himself, no one knows what shadow could gain from this, but they do every thing in there power to bring it into this world. the story follows the life of a man named, Gabriel Kage, a man who has lived a dark and bloody life, who's heart froze over long ago, he travels the planet, running from shadow, he has a bounty on his head and is wanted by shadow for reason unknown to him, and he kills all who stand in his way. he's human, but not a normal one, he lost his memory and all he knows is that he's different, with the power to control peoples minds, telekinesis, and other various powers. he travels the land with his only companion, his sword. a strange demonic spirit lives within his blade, and he is the only one who can here its voice. he hates the shadow empire and because of this his fate leads him to meet with Rogue Wind. were he joins them and fights against the darkness that covers the planet. slowly making his first real friends, learning what being a real human being is like and his dark heart finally thawing out.
something like that, I could go into more detail, but I don't want to give away plots and twists so yeah, lol. i plan for this to be a series, but thats if i can get this done, and still get people to like it, lol. with all the great things that have been submitted to this site resonantly, im not sure ill be able to match them, but ill do my best and hope its enjoyable. this is going to be alot different from my other submissions, most of my old work being poetry and stuff, this is going to be a real animation, with story, action and all that kinda stuff, so its a new step for me, hopefully in a better direction. not that im going to abandon my style, thats staying, but i mean, i probably wont do any more poetry for a while,this is not exactually the best place to put that kinda stuff. but yeah, lol off to work for me, im really hoping i can do this, and ill leave pics and updates when ever i get the chance, cya. :]
*edit, also i noticed that the pic is a little blurry, dont worry its not really like that, i think its just when i converted it to a jpg, that happened lol
wow sounds realy good:)
you sure told the intro nice, it makes it sound like a real story and not just a post for your next animation, but that's good:) it makes everyone curious for the real animation:D
the preloader looks impressive and i think for everyone comes a time in wich you should look to yourself in the mirror and give some good critics, then you'l see things that didn't came up in you befour and sometimes have to take a big step to get your work even better that it already was.
but the result is then always there and that is what matters the most.
like you could just read i think this sort of change is good, i'm also realy verry critical on myself, but my work gets better and better by it, so i think you should thrust in your work but don't give it too manny compliments (although you may deserve them) becuase that is the thing wat your work stops your work from evolving.
so good luck and i'm lokking forwards to the series:)
thank you, yes that just what i want for this series, i want people to judge it and tell me how i can make it better and more like able lol, i hope that this cool be a great hit soem day on newgrounds, ill be adding more post and pics as i go, so look forward to its release, even though it will be awhile, animation takes time and i have to really work on keeping my school grades high so that i can continue working on it, lol. but thank you for your comment :]