ok, well i was on myspace today and i found this personality quiz, i usually dont do these but a said whats the harm, and well this turned out pretty accurate lol
try it here http://similarminds.com/global-adv.htm l
these were my results
Extraversion 22%Stability 82%Orderliness 18% Accommodation 70% Interdependence 30% Intellectual 50% Mystical 70% Artistic 90% Religious 23% Hedonism 23% Materialism 50% Narcissism 30% Adventurousness 36% Work ethic 30% Humanitarian 43% Conflict seeking 30% Need to dominate 43% Romantic 83% Avoidant 30% Anti-authority 43% Wealth 30% Dependency 30% Change averse 50% Cautiousness 50%Individuality 56% Sexuality 90% Peter pan complex 50% Family drive 56% Physical Activity 50% Histrionic 16% Paranoia 56% Vanity 36% Honor 50% Thriftiness 63%
Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..
Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.
trait snapshot:
secretive, reclusive, messy, disorganized, introverted, unassertive, rarely worries, dislikes large parties, does not like to fit in, does not need to control others, solitary, ambivalent about chaos, tough, leisurely, does not respect authority, not aggressive, observer, abstract, impractical, dislikes leadership, daydreamer, bizarre, does not make friends easily, not a perfectionist, suspicious, rarely irritated, strong physical instincts, unsympathetic at times, risk taker, submissive, weird, sarcastic, strange
lol yeah, so i also got the deffinitions for my strong points, so this goes from highest to lowest
yeah, thats me lol. mostly
and these are the definitions of my highest and lowest traits, so ill go from highest to lowest lol
sextualiy =90%
more kinky than vanilla, erotic, feels pleasure should play a central role in life, not oppossed to strip clubs, promiscuous tendencies, likes to be naked, seductive, loves getting massages, likes to dress provocatively, merges and feels intimate oneness with others, believes love is proven through physical expression, believes they get what they want because of how they look, more sensual than intellectual, uses looks to get what they want, believes personal relationships are more important than personal privacy, would rather risk rejection than remain alone, not afraid to show their feelings when they like someone, impulsive, charmer
artistic =90%
drawn to artistic and cutting edge industries, drawn to careers where creativity is a solitary pursuit, more abstract than concrete, original, appreciates beauty, ideal love seeking, intense, imaginative, introspective, likes indie rock music, prone to an interest in acting, likes art house movies, self expressive, likes to look wierd, pulled to the symbolic and mysterious, likes to perform, prone to keeping a journal, attracted to the counter culture, interested in journalism, odd, trend setter, different, lives an experimental life, prefers shopping at organic markets, attracted to wierdness, more likely to be vegetarian, dislikes the ordinary and non dramatic, feels both special and defective
merges and feels intimate oneness with others, wants to feel loved, fears being unwanted, finding true love is their main passion in life, romantic idealist, can't control their romantic feelings or thoughts, when in a relationship their attention is entirely focused on that person, desires secure relationships above all else, feels best when they are admired, would sacrifice anything for love, believes love is salvation, gets very attached to people, more sensual than intellectual, would rather be in a mediocre relationship than alone, loves getting massages, desires more attention, concerned about being attractive to a potential soul mate, swayed by emotions, fears having no guidance or support, frequently feels loving towards others
calm, patient, easy-going, never gets too emotional, remains cool when others panic, not quick tempered, less prone to depression, trusting, optimistic, self confident, not swayed by emotions, not prone to envy, rarely worries, well adjusted, less prone to physical and mental sickness, more likely to exercise, able to bounce back from hardships
nice, happiest when helping and giving to others, does not mind serving others, unselfish, generous, self sacrificing, other-centric, warm, caring, loving, peaceful, modest, has trouble saying no, has trouble being firm, does not enjoy fighting, very loyal, prefers team victories over personal glory, wants everyone to get along, not manipulative, drawn to public service fields, good listener, comforter, not materialistic, honest, agreeable, nurturing
feels pulled to the symbolic, archetypal, and mysterious; likes to look wierd, believes in extra sensory perception, lives an experimental life, frequently reinvents self, more abstract than logical, more likely to be a trauma survivor, looks for hidden meaning, attracted to wierdness, different, off beat, unpredictable, more solitary, focus on fantasies more than reality, drawn to artistic and cutting edge industries, bohemian, prefers autonomy, erotic, charmer, insightful, prefers strange clothing
so yeah, basically this is me, funny though i have both a high sexuality and a high romanticism, those are contradictory, but yet i have that high stability so i think that evens things out lol. and over all i guess im just strange lol. but yeah let me know your results if you want, guess you could pm them to me or whatever.
but yeah other than this quiz thing, i just wanted to let the few people who actually know that im working on something, that well its going good, i mean it'll still be quite some time till its done buts its going good none the less. lol
pic* this is a character in my new animation. this is just a simple part of the scene, but i thought it look pretty cool, so yeah cya around*