ahhhhhhh i have artist block i cant animate any thing and i just dont want to do any thing it sucks, i cant do any of the animations i wanted to do earlier arg!!!!!
i might have just wait untill i get it back ug.....
well if any one knows how to beat the block please tell and if you have and animtion tips or advise or a reqest ect. please say so cya untill i get my brain working again.
Lots of things you can do, here's some of the things I do:
- meditate
- listen to death metal
- go for a walk
- have some 'alone time'
- doodle
- have a bath [this is where i get 98% of my ideas
- brainstorm with a friend
- look at old stuff [chat logs, doodles, animations, etc etc etc]
hope this helps ;)
hm thanx sorry it took so long but yeah hm i get my idea in the bath in bed and on the trampoline lol